Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Hate Him, Love His Family

I have been with my boyfriend for over two and a half years. I knwo he is not the one. I knwo ti isn't going to work.

And the reason you´re still together is?...

His family is wonderful and i know he loves me.

A sufficient reason. *cough* I suppose.

We are heading intwo different directions and although he can be a good person he has certainly made his share of mistakes in the releationships. Mistakes we have worked through and now i wonder why.

Um, because his family is wonderful and you know he loves you?

It is not that i do not love him but it is coming to a poitn where it just isn't going to work.

Oh. You met someone who says he loves you more and has a new Porsch er, I mean he has an even nicer family and he demands that you shit or get off the pot.

Why can't i pull the trigger?

Because you´re co-dependent and believe that you´re a nobody unless you have somebody?

THere is always a reason my birthday (which eh has messed up in a big way for three years) his father's day. ALways an excuse to stay. I have unfourtantely take my bitterness to the extreme and cheated on him.

Ah. The guy with the Porsch.

I have not slept with anyoen else just kiss.

Of course.

And although they have been relatively minor infractions i should not be partaking.

Oral sex is sex.

Every time i say it is a mistake, and I manage to do it again.

I see you have a lot of self-control...

Not hundreds of time but enough,

Oh, oh...

I go out on the weekends and he doesn't like my freinds.

I wonder why.

HOw i do I gain the courage to just pull the trigger.

You don´t. Your type never does. You will marry him, have a few kids, continue to cheat on the weekends, but you´ll still be frustrated...

ANy possibility his family and he won't hate me?

Who knows, once the dust settles you guys might become friends again. It´s a risk you have to take if you want to grow a spine.

He has ben a part of my life for almost three years and i know he will write me off when i leave.

Comes with the turf.


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