Thursday, June 30, 2005

Should I leave Bf for a better model?

Hi I've been in a relationship for a year an a half and I'm not happy.

Honesty is the first step.

I feel like I am being verbally and emotionally abused (we live together and he yells at me for everything: Money, chores, the fact that I haven't quit smoking etc.).

That´s not abuse honey, that´s parenting. Somebody hasn´t left home yet.

Well I recently started talikng to an old friend that I used to like but haven't talked to in a year and a half.

I see, you only have time for your buddies when you´re single... or unhappy.

He told me this whole time that we haven't talked he's been thinking of me and he wants to be with me.

A decent guy wouldn´t try to come between you and another guy. Something tells me he´s out for pu$$y.

I honestly do think that I would be happier with him than I am w/ current b/f but how do I know?

You can´t know. Have you questioned yourself about this need to only leave a relationship when you think you´re upgrading? Newsflash: You can be happy alone too.

I'm afraid that if I break up w/ current and start a new relationship w the other guy that I still won't be happy.

I´m afraid of that too. Because happiness is not found in situations or people, but you seem to think so.

I don't know wht to do and if I do break up w/ current how do I do it,

You just break up. Carefully, just in case he decides a dead girlfriend is better than an ex-girlfriend.

I don't want to hurt him.

I don´t get the reasoning of not wanting to "hurt" somebody who hurts you?

Thanks in advance for your advice

Don´t thank me, just take it.


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