Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Am I The Other Woman?

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost four years. We were engaged in December. He has three children and I have two. We all live together (except he only has his kids every other weekend). My problem is this. Although we are now engaged and have plans to buy a home together, he hasn't made a move to get a divorce.

Yes, engaged sounds much nicer than "shacking up with a married man", I grant you that, but the law might not quite agree with you when the wife comes knocking for her share of the house.

When I've asked him about it, he says either he doesn't have time to call lawyers or he doesn't have the money for a retainer. Neither of which is true.

So? That didn't stop you from falling for it, hook, line and sinker for FOUR YEARS, like some stupid little 18 year old.

My other issue with him is that he bends over backwards to keep peace in his relationship with his ex. (What ex? There you go day-dreaming again...) She still wears her wedding ring, still wears his clothes, and is abusing the kids.

She's wearing... his clothes?

He seems to not be bothered by any of this and is upset with me if I ask him not to buy things for her house or maybe SAY SOMETHING to her about sleeping with her 7 year old son or calling her 10 year old daughter a little bitch.

Of course he's upset. What are you giving him lip for, you obviously think this cowardly piece of shit "man" is good enough to parent your kids.

A little background- she is a stay at home mom, has not worked for 14 years. He pays every last bill down to her cell phone and gas. He pays a boatload of cs and spousal support and pays for all the kids extra stuff. I have NO problem with what the court ordered or the extra stuff for the kids, but come on, this woman makes 45,000/year from child and spousal support. She's not hurting for anything. Does he really need to buy her ice cream for her, too?

A little backround - we live in a fault state. So when she calls and tells him to "Pick up a few tubes of Häagen Daz on the way home." and he says "I can't, I'm taking Stacy's kid to Boy Scouts", she screams "Well YOU HAD BETTER, 'cause my laywer's number is on speed-dial and when SHE'S finished with you, you gutless bastard, you won't HAVE a car to drive your whores' kid ANYWHERE."

Will he ever divorce her?

Yup. Madame Kazelka from the 'oroskopes says he will. When Bill Clinton runs for office again.


At 2/22/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm, if the court has ordered child and spousal support, he's done something towards a divorce.

Oh, and you really need to answer the question: Is the 10 year old a little bitch?

At 2/22/2006, Blogger (Not) Dear Abby said...

It could also be that his wife filed for legal separation. Either way it's been 4 years. Plenty of time for closure if one really wanted it.

There was more to the letter. The kiddy is no bitch. The wife, however, is a piece of work.

At 2/22/2006, Blogger ab said...

legal separation does not enable you to receive any sort of spousal support through our court system.

there's definitely something missing to this story.

and sleeping with the 7 yr old son... i'm not sure i understand the issue here... was he having nightmares or does he not have his own bed?

At 2/23/2006, Blogger Vixen said...

love the new look!

At 2/24/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW, in some states courts can order temporary support, usually after a divorce has been filed.

At 2/24/2006, Blogger (Not) Dear Abby said...

There could be several reasons why the wife gets alimony and support even though they are not divorced yet. Or maybe they are and the guy is lying to her, so that he doesn't have to set a date.

The issue is, that if she had a spine she wouldn't be in this predicament for 4 years now.

At 6/13/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!! All of the comments are great!! He is fooling her and she is LETTING herself be fooled.

I guess it's true, Love IS Blind.


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