Saturday, July 16, 2005

Knocked Up And Single

My bf is very hesitant to get married, and we are expecting our first child.


He has so called agreed to grant my wishes but I think that he is bs'ing.

What, prey, is "bs´ing"? Let me guess... you think he just said yeah to shut your trap, but he´s not going to go through with it...

I have mentioned to him once already that I do not want to be a single mother and refuse for that to happen.

Well then, if that´s the case, why is there a problem? Surely a woman, as determined not to become a single mother as you are, took every conceivable precaution, and thoroughly discussed things with her boyfriend about what should take place in the event of a pregnancy.

I haven't been able to tell him that if he really does not want to go through this, I won't go through any of this all together.

What? You haven´t blackmailed him yet?!

I'm not really certain as to why he does not want to marry me

At least a thousand different reasons I can think of. So?

but I need to know,

You already know what you need to know. You are pregnant, don´t want to be a single mother and he doesn´t want to marry you. Wondering why he doesn´t want to marry and thinking up of ways to make him marry you is just a waste of valuable time.

maybe someone can help me?

Get thee to a family planning clinic.


At 7/17/2005, Blogger Helen said...

Thinking up ways to "make" him marry you will come to no good end.

At 11/08/2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Abby. I'm trying to get in touch with people who are interested in contacting single fathers. I thought you might know of some other single father related sites. If so, perhaps you could respond to this post and let me know. Many thanks


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