Not Getting Over You
I dated this man for a few months, we both wanted it to be sexual in the beginning, and of course, the man started to be confusing, and the relationship turned emotional and chaotic, and the rollercoaster ride was unbearable for both, and very distressing.
Woa, woa. Wait a minute. Did you say "of course"? Does something like this happen often?
We ended on a bad note, I moved away, and didn't leave a forwarding number. He can not contact me, and I could call him, but it has been 6 mos of NC, and I see no need to call, but do have the urge every now and then.
Addicted to drama, eh?
Because it has been so long since we both spoke, I still think of him, and wonder how he's doing, but know deep down inside I can't go down that painful road again, because it's taking me a long time to get over him.
A tiny voice of reason in the darkness...
So my question for the mysterious men out there, what does silence mean after a breakup?
Say what again?!
Has he forgotten about me?
Are you sure this letter wasn´t meant for Mrs. Pavlova, Astrology and Predictions Dept.?
I know he has moved on, but do you think he thinks of me sometime?
I´m sure he does...once in a while...when he´s busy digging out a particularly crispy booger.
He can't contact me, but we do have a mutual friend, I work with, and she never mentions his name, nor do I, but I'm thinking since we have a mutual friend, if he wanted to try and contact me, he would, right?
Speaking of distorted thinking.
So does his silence mean, he never wants to speak to me again?
Let me consult my crystal ball....
He did hurt me, and alot of it was my fault, and he was to blame in alot of things too, but I would like to speak to him, and find peace with him,
You don´t need to see him/speak to him to get closure. Closure is something you give to yourself.
but I feel I have to wait until he wants to, because I tried, and it caused alot of stress on him and me.
Admit it. You just want to worm your way into his pants again.
I'm just curious, what does his silence mean, after all this time?
That he´s moving on with his life?
Are you serious? People really send this stuff to you guys? Wow. And I make fun of the stuff they print!
I am a real advice column addict. I promise to come back to your blog for more and more!--Suki
This comment is for Abbey:
When you see letters with stuff like NC and MM and other mysterious encryptions, you need to know what this is.
NC means No Contact.
MM means Married Man.
These are all affair-speak internet languages seen on numerous advice boards for those needing to vent after finding out about an affair or those who need to justify having one.
My guess is, she had sex with a married man and went into NC, No Contact mode as is normally advised by the internet "specialists".
She is one of many thousands of women who go into no contact mode and then wonder why he's still not chasing her.
Because he's MARRIED, that's why! But she's too self-centered to understand that.
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