Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Other Woman At Work

I know that being with someone who's involved is asking for trouble but, the truth is that I recently left a ten year relationship. I just want to have fun right now and let my hair down, doing whatever I feel like...

And fuck with the consequences and the people you´re hurting in the process.

What happened with this guy is that he's been wooing (chasing) me for the last 4 Months. We work together so we see each other all the time.

Just another bawdy work affair.

It started with him always grabbing my waist everytime I walked by or marking my hand with a marker.

At least he didn´t piss on your foot.

Then he would ask me to accompany him for his cigarette breaks and from that it went to hugs. Presently, we watch movies together, we kiss and had sex a few times.

ie. you´re a couple of dawgs lickin´ a bone.

The problem is that one day he'll be cozy, tickly, kissy with me then other days he'll be cold. He always refers to his girlfriend as his "EX" but she's not..... I just let him be, I don't chase him or call him, I basically live my life and when he comes around he does....

I still can´t see the problem.

It does get confusing at times because he's always text messaging with cute messages.... At the end of every message he always adds xoxoxoxox sometimes in capitals.

And that must mean he must "love" you...how?

I do know from the beginning we both felt serious "chemistry".

So? Since when was pure lust and selfishness a prerequisite for a "happily ever after"?

I would really appricate some advise... Thank you.

Huh? Ok. I´ll guess. You talk like all you want is some fun and sex, but you don´t walk that talk. Or you wouldn´t be asking for advice.

You´re secretly hoping he´ll dump her and commit to you, the most typical and biggest mistake an adultress makes.

Well stop it. This is about hot, sweaty, no-string sex. It always ways. It never, ever leads to a proper relationship.

If you can´t deal with that, drop him, and hope it won´t have too much impact on your job.


At 8/04/2011, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"At least he didn't piss on your foot"

--Been reading the backlog and this one made me howl with laughter. Ah, men. Totally inappropriate, propriatary touching at work and we wonder, "does he like me?"


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