Monday, August 15, 2005

Married To A Vampire

I met this man 1yr ago and still can't understand.

You're in good company.

When I met him he told me, that about 8 years ago he was with this woman awhile after his wife passed. They had a relationship but it only lasted 4 years because he asked her 3 times to marry him and she refused. So he broke the relationship but carried on a business working relationship with her hanging wallpaper.


When we got together he said one night he needed to tell her about me and that he was changing families. HMMMM.....??

Are you sure he didn't say "going to have two families"?

I thought that was strange but went on. Well she was extremely mad that she threatened to kill me if she ever seen me alone.

So you told the police and filed a restraining order, right? RIGHT?

Well he still worked for her despite all the evil things this lady has tried and 3months later he married me.

You married a guy you only knew 3 months? Why wait so long? Why not get married right away? (snort)

We have now been married almost a year. And all through this marriage he has spent nights with me days with her. Saying he is working.

Yeah, right, whatever.

She does everything to keep him from using the money she pays him (Which is only 20 % of anything they do) for this family.

Oh, she is there physically there to stop him from handing money over to you?

He would never commit adultery nor would he cheat. He knows better.

How do you know, do you have a camera watching him all day long?

Yet our time consists of 12:00 A.m to 7:00 a.m 7 days a week.

(Turns to the audience)
Haven't you ever wondered about women who go along with bullsh1t like that? What do you think goes through their mind? Do they have a mind?

He has gone on 5 long trips all over u.s with her saying all it is is work related and that he is doing it for the family.

I thought he can't spend any money on your family.

He loves me and my kids with all his heart and soul. And her well she has gone as far as spying on me all the time to calling C.P.S and making so many reports they are trying to take my kids away.

Perhaps they should.

I try to believe him but I am married to a stranger and i am very confused all the time.

Well don't be. A man can't be married to two women at the same time, so you're not married. Simple.

Please let me know your opinion. I really do love him, but if this is impossible to win then I have to go to counseling and try to end it. Don't want to.

Who told you to leave him? Keep your bloodsucker. Have a few kids with him. I hope you have a good job though.


At 8/16/2005, Blogger Vixen said...


At 4/10/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No brainer!

She wants you out of the picture sweetie, because obviously he's told her the same pack of lies he's told YOU!

The real question is: When are YOU going to admit he's a liar, get some self-esteem and off your lazy butt and do something right for yourself instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you?

He's never going to do anything for you so stop waiting. You just don't WANT to do anything for yourself either.


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