Thursday, September 08, 2005

Oral Fixation

I really need some relationship advice. I have been going out with my boyfriend for ten and a half months. We are very affectionate, he tells me he loves me all the time, calls me Amy ::insert his last name:: or wifey occasionally.

Let me guess, and you find that soooo romantic. (Barf)

We are together almost everyday, and get along great. Yet last night, he told me that he wants to take a break. He said he is confused about how he feels about me. He has been confused for about the past month. He said he knows I have my heart 100% into this relationship and I deserve someone who can do the same. He feels we are rushing into things, and doesnt know if he wants a marriage and a kid to result out of this relationship.

Oh man, she really had me going there for a while, and I said and hinted all kinds of things that maybe I shouldn't have. Now she expects the big M. Not right away, but definitely some point down the line...

Dunno. She's ok, a little boring in the sack, though. Sammy, my girl-pal, said I can do better. Looked at me weird when she said it too. And that hot-looking girl at work has been smiling a lot to me lately...

The weird thing is we both have talked about the prospect of marriage and a baby girl, we have even picked out a name and speak quite frequently about the future...this is the far future though.

No, you talked. He just said what he thought you wanted to hear.

He even has said marriage in spring of 06, a baby not before summer 08. (All the while thinking, hopefully the world will end before then.) He said he just needs some time to figure out how he truly feels.

aka. play the field.

My sister thinks that our relationship has progressed too soon too fast. We feel in love quickly, and he needs time to figure out how he really feels.

Have you noticed how this only seems to be a male problem. Most women never seem to have any trouble attaching themselves, all the way to the hilt, to the first idiot who comes along.

I am supposed to hang out with my boyfriend this coming Sunday...he still wants to hang out once a week or so.

I know, I'll put her in the back burner just in case. Alwas a good idea to have a girl, eager2please, around.

We both will not be dating anyone else. (officially) He says he wants to spend some time with me, but does not want to have penetration sex while we are sorting this out.

As he'll be getting that from somewhere else.

He has a high sex drive, loves recieving oral. I don't give it to him quite as often as he'd like. He has told me that he would like me to do it more (I do it once a week or so) as I am currently not satisfying his oral needs.

"I might stick around but you'll have to blow me every day, preferably as soon as I wake up in the morning."

So the thing is, I don't know if I should give him lots of space and try to better or sex lives through oral. We have sex quite frequently (3 times a week at least), but what is lacking from his point of view is oral.

While of course you're satisfied with any dregs he chooses to dish out to you...

I don't know how I should act when I see him on Sunday...should I dress provocativly, and attempt to turn him on? Shove him against a wall and give him the oral he desires?

Sure, go ahead, let him have some anal too while you're at it. Then write back to us and tell us how it went. And don't spare on details either.

Or, should I look nice, but let him make any moves if he chooses to do so?

Whatever. Either way smacks desperate to me.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Any advice = "only advice on how to keep him".

I truly feel that this relationship is meant to last, and he is my One True Love.

I also believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.


At 9/08/2005, Blogger Jay Noel said... for the hills, girl. Sounds like this relationship is dead as a doornail.
Unless you would like to be in a relationship where you're being used. If that's the case, keep going.

At 9/08/2005, Blogger Vixen said...

It seems that this is a story that I keep hearing over and over and over again. Women have higher expectations out of the relationship than men have. They just want companionship and a roll in the hay, we want the whole nine yards. Guess I should blog this:)


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